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Allied Consults Ltd

Plot 57 Nkrumah Road-Nkrumah Nasser plaza P.O.BOX 33845 Kampala

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AH Consulting Ltd

Plot 10 Saddler Lane, Naguru P.O.BOX 8699 Kampala

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Manpower Services (U) Ltd

Plot 4 Jinja Road Social Security House, 3rd floor P.O.BOX 29696 Kampala

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Mercury Consulting

Plot 9 Kampala Road Agip House, Suite 13 P.O.BOX 33261 Kampala

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Peers Consult Ltd

Plot 3 Pilkington Road NIC Building, Ground Floor Rm.06 P.O.BOX 33261 Kampala

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Price Waterhouse Coopers Ltd

Plot 1, Colville Street, Communications House P.O.BOX 8053 Kampala

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Quality Assurance & Management Consultants

Plot 1001 Ggaba Road, Nsambya Susie House P.O.BOX 1367 Kampala

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Radii Consults Ltd

Plot 12 Luwum Street City Centre Level 3 P.O.BOX 33723 Kampala

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Stat Plus Africa Ltd

Plot 683 Willis Road, Namirembe Hill P.O.BOX 34482 Kampala

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Summit Consulting Ltd

Plot 6 Entebbe Road Kamu Kamu Plaza, SF3 P.O.BOX 40292 Kampala

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