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City Bureau De Change Ltd

Plot 14, William Street Namaganda House P.O Box 23113 Kampala

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CFC Forex Bureau Ltd

Plot 4 Pilkington Rd P.O Box 21091 Kampala

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Cash Money Forex Bureau Ltd

Plot 3 Wilson Rd Sunset Arcade P.O Box 2879 Kampala

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Buddu Forex Bureau Ltd

Plot 22A William Street GazaLand Plaza, Shop L3 P.O Box 23442 Kampala

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Bicco Forex Bureau

Plot 1 Colville Street P.O Box 3307 Kampala

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Amal Forex Bureau Ltd

Plot 118 Ben Kiwanuka Street Tropical Complex P.O Box 2680 Kampala

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Combined Forex Bureau Ltd

Plot 6 Entebbe Rd Kamu Kamu Plaza, Suite GF16 P.O Box 10494 Kampala

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Hotel Africana Bureau Ltd

Plot 2-4 Wampewo Avenue P.O box 10218 Kampala

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Jet Set Forex Bureau Ltd

Plot 3, Kimathi Avenue P.O Box 8841 Kampala

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Karibu Forex Bureau Ltd

Namirembe Road Mukwano Arcade Shop no. C /G /10 P.O Box 3673 Kampala

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