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Martin Path & Associates

Plot 252 Kabaka Njagala Road 1st floor Kabaka Njagala apartments P.O Box 5421, Kampala

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Mark House Partners

Post Office Building 3rd floor, Annex Suite 342A & 343A P.O Box 8810 Kampala

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Megabase Associates

Plot 4, Wilson Road Ivory Plaza P.O Box 22132 Kampala

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Midland & Company

Plot 4A, Crown House Kampala Road P.O Box 7430 Kampala

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MM Bekar

Plot 30, Jinja Road Reco House, 2nd floor P. O Box 22125 Kampala

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MTC Associates

Plot 27, Clement Hill Road P.O Box 27962 Kampala

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Muhumuza – Laki, Twesigire & Co Advocates

NHCC Flats Block 663 Flat K Buganda Road Nhcc Flats P.O Box 22852

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Mukasa, Yiga & Company

Plot 90, Ben Kiwanuka Street, Kob House P.O Box 12496 Kampala

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Mungereza & Karisa

Plot 35, Yusuf Lule Road P.O Box 6565 Kampala

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Mwanje & Company

Plot 1, Portal Avenue, span House Suite 403D P.O Box 37506, Kampala

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