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SDS & Company

Moil House, Office 1 3 Next YMCA Wandegeya P.O Box 306 Kampala

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Sebira & Company

Plot 21B, Sapoba Building Katwe P.O Box 9616, Wandegeya

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Sejjaaka, Kaawaase & Co

Plot 31, Bukoto street P.O Box 7657 Kampala

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Shemak & Company

Plot 5, Prince Avenue, Nakasero P.O Box 8270 Kampala

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Shore Partners

Orient House, First Floor Suite 3 P.O Box 21802 Kampala

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SK Stephen & Company

Serubiri Foundation Building, Seeta Mukono P.O Box 28133 Kampala

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Springs & Associates Certified Public Accountants

Plot 6/8, Nakasero Lane, Kisozi Complex P.O Box 11976 kampala

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Sserebe, Opolot, Rugumayo & Associates- Certified Public Accountants

Plot 216 Professor Apollo Nsibambi Road- Bulange, Mengo P.O Box 31002 Kampala

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Stempa Associates

Kanjokya street P.O Box 4206 Kampala

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Takn & Associates

Bunamwaya P.O Box 29399 Kampala

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