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Aquaculture Services Limited

Plot 71 Entebbe Road, Block 167 Lweza Kajjansi Opp. Mogas Petro Station P.O Box 70322 Kampala

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Fisheries Resources Research Institute (FRRI)

(Nile Crescent in Jinja Opposite the Wagon Ferry Terminal) P.O Box 343, Jinja Uganda

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Kajjansi aquaculture Research Station

P.O Box 530 Kampala

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Bee Keeping Manufactures and Trainers

Guarry Road, Kawempe P.O Box 2061 Kampala

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East African Beekeepers Euipment Ltd

Plot 24907 off Ggaba Road Kansanga next to Didi's World. P.O Box 24907 Kampala

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Malaika Honey

Plot 1097 Mawanda Road, Mulago P.O Box 34782 Kampala

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The Uganda National Apiculture Development Organisation (TUNADO)

Plot 76 Buganda Road Veterinary Building- Small Animal Clinic P.O Box 8680 Kampala

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Bukoola Chemical Industries

Nakivubo Place Plot 14/18 P.O Box 3700 Kampala Uganda

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China Machines

Plot 6 Acholi Road (between Stanbic & Barclays Banks) P.O Box 712 Gulu

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China Huangpai Food Machines (U) Ltd- Gulu

Next To Stanbic Bank, Gulu Branch

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